The Systems Workshop (TSW) CIO FORUM 2019 was held in Adaaran Hudhuran Fushi Resort on 27th & 28th July. The Event was inaugurated by Hon. Minister Communication & Technology Maleeh Jamal. The Idea behind the TSW CIO Forum is to create an idea sharing platform for Maldives IT community. Forum will be the medium to disseminate the latest technology enhancements in the field, IT Best Practices, Training and last but not least to create wide network among the community.

The Event is Co-Sponsored by Check Point, Commvault, Forcepoint, Kaspersky , Barracuda & Titus . We are glad that regional heads/Pre Sales Heads of Check Point, CommVault, Focepoint, Titus & Kaspersky for taking part. TSW CIO FORUM 2019. TSW CIO Forum was attended by over 50 participants (customers). Knowledge & Experiences that the Principals imparted were immense & was well received by participants. Networking with the peers in the industry was another key highlight of the event. With the overwhelming feedback we received we are now compelled to make the Event an Annual One. Looking forward to see you in TSW CIO FORUM 2020.!.